Sharks might elicit fear in many of us, but there’s no denying the allure of these majestic creatures.
Whether you’re an avid ocean lover or simply looking for a suspenseful adventure, these National Geographic shark documentaries offer insight into the world of these mighty predators.
But with over 40 titles to choose from on Disney Plus, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start.
No worries – I’ve compiled a list of the best shark-related content available to stream today.
NOTE: This post may contain spoilers to movie or show plots. These movies and shows are available to stream on Disney+ in the US as of publication time, unless otherwise noted. Availability can change at any time.
New shark documentaries on Disney+ in 2023
Here’s a quick list of National Geographic shark documentaries added to Disney+ this year.
- Bull Shark Bandits (2023)
- Bull Shark vs. Hammerhead (2023)
- Most Extreme Sharks, Season 1 (2023)
- Return of the White Shark (2023)
- Saved From a Shark (2023)
- Shark Below Zero (2023)
- Shark Eat Shark (2023)
- Sharkcano: Hawaii (2023)
- Sharks vs. Dolphins: Bahamas Battleground (2023)
- When Sharks Attack 360 (2023)
- When Sharks Attack and Why (2023)
All of these new documentaries were added on July 2 in honor of Sharkfest, the annual blitz of shark content from National Geographic.
50 Shades of Sharks (2020)
This documentary explores the different behavioral patterns and personalities of sharks, ranging from shy and introverted to bold and outgoing.
700 Sharks (2018)
Filmed in the waters of French Polynesia, this documentary follows a group of divers as they come face-to-face with a massive pack of sharks.
Baby Sharks (2022)

Witness the beginning of a shark’s life cycle in this heartwarming and adorable documentary about the early years of one of the ocean’s biggest predators.
Big Sharks Rule (2018)
Filmed off the coast of South Africa, this documentary takes a closer look at some of the largest and most powerful sharks in the world, including the great white and tiger shark.
Bull Shark Bandits (2023)

Get ready to meet the bad boys of the ocean, the bull shark bandits!
This National Geographic documentary takes us to the shores of northern Australia where these troublemakers are wreaking havoc with local fishermen.
With their impressive size and sly maneuvers, these sharks have earned themselves a notorious reputation.
But don’t be fooled by their charming smiles and innocent-looking faces, these bandits have a few tricks up their sleeves.
Bull Shark vs Hammerhead (2023)

National Geographic’s 2023 documentary, Bull Shark vs Hammerhead, takes us on a wild ride to Florida where Dr. Heithaus dives into the tropical waters to study these apex predators.
The documentary captures the raw intensity between the two titans of the ocean, the bull shark and the hammerhead.
With expert commentary from Dr. Heithaus, you’ll learn about the unique characteristics of each shark and how they stack up against each other.
Camo Sharks (2022)

Discover the incredible camouflage abilities of great white sharks in this fascinating documentary.
Cannibal Sharks (2019)
Sharks are known for their relentless appetite, but did you know that some species turn to cannibalism? This documentary uncovers this shocking behavior.
Counting Jaws (2022)

Scientists and researchers use advanced technology to track and count Great White shark populations off the coast of California in this informative documentary.
The Croc That Ate Jaws (2021)

The saltwater crocodile is one of the few animals that can take on a shark. Mike Heithaus, a Biologist and expert in marine predators, explores what happens when the 2 predators meet up.
Game of Sharks (2022)
This intense documentary explores several showdowns between different species of sharks to ultimately find which species will come out on top.
Great Shark Chow Down (2019)
Observe the feeding habits of various shark species in this stunning documentary.
Jaws vs Boats (2022)

This year it’s orcas ambushing boats, but in the past? Sharks!
This documentary explores the dangers that boats pose to sharks and the impact they have on their populations.
Journey to Shark Eden (2010)
Take a journey to Tahiti where a group of scientists and explorers aim to create a marine protected area where sharks thrive.
Killer Shark vs Killer Whale (2021)
The great white shark and killer whale are two of the most formidable predators in the ocean. This documentary chronicles their epic battles and explores why sharks seem to be intimidated by orcas.
Man vs Shark (2019)
Jeremiah Sullivan, a Marine Biologist who invented a “sharkproof suit,” takes the suit out for a test in this documentary.
Mega Hammerhead (2016)
Meet the largest and most elusive species of hammerhead shark in this thrilling documentary, led by Dr. Neil Hammerschlag.
Most Extreme Sharks (2023)
The National Geographic has just dropped a new show called Most Extreme Sharks and it’s available on Disney+!
Hosted by the fearless Steve Backshall, this show brings us closer than ever to the most terrifying, fascinating, and awe-inspiring sharks out there.
From the biggest sharks to the scariest ones, this show will take you on a voyage that’s guaranteed to make you feel a whole mix of emotions.
Most Wanted Sharks (2020)

Jeremiah Sullivan from Man vs Shark is back to introduce viewers to some of the most notorious and elusive shark species in the big dark deep.
Orca vs Great White (2021)
Researchers in New Zealand set out to explore whether Great White sharks are being targeted by Orcas in this documentary.
Playing with Sharks (2021)

Follow the inspiring story of Valerie Taylor, a trailblazer in shark conservation and research, as well as underwater filming, in this uplifting documentary.
Raging Bull Shark (2020)

The bull shark is known for its tenacity and its ability to thrive in both saltwater and freshwater environments. This documentary examines what makes them such formidable hunters.
Return of the White Shark (2023)
This National Geographic documentary follows the journey of these magnificent creatures as they make their way back to the shores of Cape Cod.
And let me tell you, these sharks are not messing around. You’ll witness jaw-dropping footage of their breathtaking acrobatics as they leap out of the water to catch their next meal.
But don’t worry, they’re not interested in you (probably).
Rogue Shark (2021)
When a shark targets a human, it is often labeled a rogue shark. But is that really the case?
In this documentary, scientists study the sharks off the coast of the Whitsundays in Australia, the top spot for shark attacks on humans.
Saved From a Shark (2023)

This documentary retells real-life stories of humans saved by sharks and dolphins.
It also explores the behavioral science behind it all. Are they doing it on purpose or is it all just a coincidence?
Get ready to be captivated by stunning underwater footage and learn a thing or two about these feared and loved creatures.
Sea of Shadows (2019)

This heart-wrenching documentary explores the illegal trade of Totoaba fish and its impact on the critically endangered Vaquita porpoise.
Secrets of the Bull Shark (2020)

Take a deep dive into the life of the bull shark, one of the most misunderstood and fascinating shark species in the world.
This documentary covers both the migratory and predatory behaviors of the Bull Shark.
Shark Attack Files (2021-22)

This series discusses real-live shark attacks around the world and why they happened.
Shark Attack Investigation: The Paige Winter Story (2021)

This emotional documentary follows the aftermath of a shark attack on a young girl, Paige Winter, and her inspiring journey to recovery.
Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth (2021)
Australian actor Chris Hemsworth takes us on a journey to explore the relationship between sharks and humans and how the two can safely co-exist.
Shark Below Zero (2023)

The 2023 National Geographic documentary Shark Below Zero give us a heart-stopping glimpse into the icy waters of Canada, where White Sharks are extremely rare.
Brace yourself for some spine-tingling footage as we follow a team of fearless scientists on their perilous mission to study these majestic creatures in one of the harshest environments on the planet after the first White Shark attack in 150 years happens.
Get ready to witness some of the most jaw-dropping (pun intended) moments as we delve into the mysterious world of White Sharks in Canada.
Shark Eat Shark (2023)

Hold onto your swim trunks, friends! The 2023 National Geographic documentary, Shark Eat Shark, is sure to have even the most seasoned beach-goers shaking in their flip flops.
Delving deep into the treacherous waters off the coast of Australia, we witness the ultimate showdown between one of the top predators of the sea, the Sand Tiger shark, and other fierce contenders for the top of the food chain.
Brace yourself for jaw-dropping footage and a cheeky glimpse into the underwater world of these terrifying beasts.
Who will come out on top in this battle for survival? Stream this doc on Disney+ to find out!
Shark Gangs (2021)

Believe it or not, sharks have their own social hierarchies and gangs. This documentary delves into the fascinating world of this shark behavior.
Shark Queens (2022)

This documentary looks into the role of female sharks and whether they are the dominant ones.
Shark Side of the Moon (2020)

Step aside Pink Floyd, the sharks are taking over! This documentary looks into the Hammerhead Shark and how they are connected to the moon.
Sharkatraz (2016)
The waters surrounding Alcatraz prison are home to some of the most dangerous and elusive shark species. This documentary explores the deterrent that kept many prisoners from attempting to escape.
Sharkcano (2020)
Scientist Dr. Michael Heithaus explores the connection between volcanoes and sharks in this documentary.
Sharkcano Hawaii (2023)
Dr. Mike Heithaus and Dr. Frances Farabaugh take us on a journey to the depths of the ocean to explore the curious phenomenon of shark-filled waters surrounding volcanoes off the coast of the Hawaiian islands.
And of course, it wouldn’t be a shark documentary without our toothy friends making an appearance. Tiger sharks to be exact.
You’ll be on the edge of your seat and feeling the heat as you witness never-before-seen footage and insights.
Shark vs Surfer (2020)

Unfortunately, there have been some tragic shark attacks on surfers in recent years, but is it intentional or simply mistaken identity?
This documentary provides a scientific look at the dynamic between surfers and the sharks around them.
Shark vs Tuna (2018)
Have you ever thought about what would happen when two top predators meet?
This documentary sheds light on the battle between Mako and Tiger Sharks and Yellow-Fin Tuna in the waters off the coast of Ascension Island, located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean between South America and Africa.
Shark vs Whale (2020)

In this documentary, a Humpback Whale is targeted by a Great White Shark. It also explores the migratory paths of the whales and where they might be vulnerable.
Sharks of Lost Island (2013)
This documentary follows a team of researchers as they explore the waters off the coast of Pitcairns Island in the South Pacific, where marine life is flourishing.
Sharks of the Bermuda Triangle (2020)

The Bermuda Triangle is infamous for its mythical disappearances, but did you know it’s also a hotbed for Tiger Sharks?
This documentary explores the deep and treacherous waters of the Bermuda Triangle and the sharks that call it home.
Sharks That Eat Everything (2022)

Cameras follow sharks who seemingly eat everything, even items like kayaks, providing insight into the sheer power of these marine animals.
Sharks vs. Dolphins: Bahamas Battleground (2023)
An unusually high number of dolphins in the Bahamas have scars presumably from shark attacks.
Two researchers, Dr. Mike Heithaus and Dr. Valeria Paz set out to find out why – and which sharks are committing the attacks.
Sharks vs Dolphins: Blood Battle (2020)

Scientists study the dynamic between sharks and dolphins in Shark Bay, Australia in this documentary.
Sky Sharks (2022)

New research has uncovered that sharks live closer to the shore than previously thought, as explored in this documentary.
What the Shark? (2020)
This documentary looks into what stands in the way of sharks and how they manage to work around their deterrents.
When Sharks Attack (2013-22)

Nat Geo’s long-time favorite series When Sharks Attack provides a thrilling investigation into the real-world stories of close encounters with sharks and their aftermath.
When Sharks Attack 360 (2023)
In this spin-off docuseries, researchers around the world study sharks to determine why they attack.
When Sharks Attack and Why (2023)
In another spin-off series, we follow researchers in the US study why sharks attack.
World’s Biggest Great White? (2019)
This documentary follows several Great White sharks found in Hawaiian waters, including one that is believed to be the biggest Great White ever found.
World’s Biggest Hammerhead? (2022)
Follow scientists from Florida International University as they attempt to track down and identify the biggest hammerhead shark ever documented off the coast of Florida.
World’s Biggest Tiger Shark (2020)
While searching for the biggest Tiger Shark, found in the waters of French Polynesia, Nat Geo uncover interesting behavior from younger tiger sharks never seen before.
World’s Most Dangerous Shark? (2021)
Scientists study the Oceanic White Tip shark, once called the most dangerous shark by famous explorer Jacques Cousteau, in this documentary.
The Park Pixie’s top picks
I don’t know what it is, but I find documentaries about sharks to be absolutely fascinating!
From this post, here are my top picks on which shark documentaries to watch ASAP:
- Best host: Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth (2021)
- Best docuseries: When Sharks Attack (2013-22)
- Best new documentary: Return of the White Shark (2023)
What are your favorite National Geographic shark documentaries?
With Disney+ providing the perfect platform to stream some of Nat Geo’s incredible shark documentaries, you now have the opportunity to get up close and personal with the most fascinating and awe-inspiring sharks in the world.
From underwater expeditions to scientific explorations, there’s an abundance of exciting yet informative content to keep you entertained for hours on end.
Whether you’re a shark enthusiast or just a curious viewer, I hope this list helps you get started on your shark watching journey. Happy streaming!
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About the author

Meg Frost is the creator of The Park Pixie, where she covers Disney World, Disney+, and Disney fandom.
She holds an M.A. in Journalism from Northeastern University and B.S. in Communication & American Studies from University of Miami in Florida.
This post was originally published June 21, 2023. It was last updated October 10, 2023.