One of the most beloved franchises in all pop culture, Star Wars has been making waves since 1977.
The Mandalorian bounty hunter, Din Djarin, also known as Mando, is arguably one of its most popular characters.
With three successful seasons under his belt, Mando and his crew have provided us with some unforgettable moments and classic lines that speak to our inner fandom-selfs and make us proud to be Star Wars fanatics!
In this blog post I’ll countdown the most memorable quotes from The Mandalorian that every fan will noo doubt appreciate.
So whether you’re a die hard stan or just getting into the show, let’s explore these iconic Mandalorian quotes together!
SPOILER ALERT: This post may contain spoilers to movie or show plots.
Best quotes from The Mandalorian, Season 1

The Mandalorian debuted on Disney+ in November of 2019 and quickly become a Star Wars fan favorite.
Season 1 follows the Mandalorian, a mysterious loner on a dangerous mission across the galaxy.
During his journey, he meets allies, faces enemies, and discovers a mythological creature that he is sworn to protect.
With memorable lines like “This is the way” and “I have spoken,” viewers were instantly glued to their seats wanting more from each episode.
Let’s countdown the top Mandalorian quotes from season 1.
I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold.

In the opening scene of season 1, we meet The Mandalorian, who is tracking a target.
After a scuffle with some bar patrons, he finally has the target cornered, to whom he says this badass line.
Later in episode 5, Riot Mar tries to use this line against Mando, to which he retorts, “That’s my line.” Gotta love the meta humor!
This is the way.
Perhaps the most famous lines from The Mandalorian is this frequent statement, which was first stated by The Armorer (Emily Swallow) in Chapter 3: The Sin.
This is not only one of the best Mandalorian quotes, but probably the most frequently repeated, too!
I like those odds.
When Mando meets up with The Client, he gets spooked when Dr. Pershing enters the room unexpectedly, causing him to draw his weapons – and the Stormtroopers do the same.
One of the troopers tries to reason with him by saying “We have you 4 to 1.” To which Mando responds, “I like those odds.”
I have spoken.

Another famous Mandalorian quote is Kuiil’s famous retort, “I have spoken.” It’s basically his way of saying I said what I said.
Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing.
In the final chapter of season 1, Greef, Cara, Mando, and The Child are ambushed. After all, Mando swore to protect our little baby Yoda!
In a bit of desperation, Greef blurts out this classic line.
You want some soup?
After a bit of a tussle with Cara Dune when they first meet, The Mandalorian breaks the tension with this offer of something warm.
I would like to see the baby.

I’m not sure what made this line from The Client more popular – the original scene itself or its resurgence as a wildly popular TikTok sound! The Client, of course, is referring to The Child.
No living thing has seen me without my helmet since I swore the Creed.
Throughout season 1, The Mandalorian is seemingly faceless. He always has his full-face helmet on, only removing it in private.
Earlier in the season, Cara Dune asks, “So what happens if you take that thing off? They come after you and kill you?”
To which Mando responds, “No. You just can’t ever put it back on again,” letting us know why he takes this helmet thing so seriously.
But after getting severely injured in a battle, IG-11 convinces Mando to remove it in order to nurse him back to health by reminding Mando, “I am not a living thing.”
Take the bait, you hunk of junk.

Mando expresses some frustration when trying to bait an AT-ST in Chapter 4: Sanctuary, giving us all a one-liner to repeat for seasons to come.
You speak terrible Jawa. You sound like a Wookiee.
When Kuiil and Mando attempt to reason with the Jawa (who I’m convinced are distant cousins of Minions), Mando breaks out some rusty Jawa, much to their humor.
You have something I want.

Gus Fring, er Moff Gideon, is a master at being threatening and scary while at the same time being absolutely chill.
In this scene, he closes in on The Mandalorian, Cara, and The Child – whom he desperately wants.
Moff Gideon: “You have something I want.”
Chapter 7: The Reckoning
Cara Dune: “Who’s this guy?”
MG: “You may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of, but you do not.
The Mandalorian: Kuiil, are you back to the ship yet? They’re onto us. Kuiil, come in!
MG: And in a few moments, it will be mine.
TM: Kuiil, do you copy? Kuiil?
MG: It means more to me than you will ever know.
More Mandalorian quotes from Season 1
From the very first episode of The Mandalorian, Star Wars fans old and new were understandably hooked on this witty show.
Here are a bunch more of my favorite quotes from season 1 of The Mandalorian.
Bounty hunting is a complicated profession. – The Client
Such a large bounty for such a small package. – The Client
No one will be free until the old ways are gone forever. – Kuiil
There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive. – IG-11
I’m a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion. – The Mandalorian
Our secrecy is our survival. Our survival is our strength. – The Armorer
When one chooses to walk the way of the Mandalore, you are both hunter and prey. – The Armorer
IG-11: It appears we are trapped. I will initiate self destruct sequencing.
Chapter 1: The Mandalorian
Mando: Whoa! You’re what!?

Mando: Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to walk to my ship with the kid and you’re gonna let it happen.
Chapter 3: The Sin
Greef Karga: No. How about this? WE take the kid. And if you try to stop us, we kill you and we strip your body for parts.
Cara Dune: This has been a real treat. But unless you want another round, one of us is gonna have to move on, and I was here first.
Chapter 4: The Sanctuary
Mando: Well, looks like this planet’s taken.
Mando: My ship has been destroyed. I’m trapped here.
Chapter 2: The Child
Kuiil: Stripped. Not destroyed. The Jawas steal. They DON’T destroy.
Mando: Stolen or destroyed. Makes no difference to me.
Best quotes from The Mandalorian, Season 2

Season 2 of The Mandalorian had us all quoting our favorite Mandalorian sayings as Din Djarin grew and developed throughout the season.
After a tense introduction, Din was forced to betray his Mandalorian code and work alongside an old rival to rescue a young bounty, Grogu.
Throughout their adventure, we watched as Din went from a lone Mandalorian trying to protect his code to a father figure, who was willing to make difficult decisions for the greater good.
From touching reunions with fan favorites Cara Dune and Bo-Katan Kryze to explosive battles with Boba Fett, we were taken on an epic journey that reaffirmed the power of family and friendship.
As we watched each character grow together and come full circle, it’s no wonder audiences everywhere were left with Mandalorian quotes on their lips!
Come here, you little womp rat.
In the season 2 opener, we get a playful nickname for The Child from Peli Motto.
Oh! Thank the Force! This little thing had me worried sick. Come here, you little womp rat. – Peli Motto
Chapter 9: The Marshal
Later in the episode, Peli Motto says what we’re all thinking: “Ah, looks like it remembers me. How much do you want for it? Just kidding. Not really.”
Oh, stop yer cryin’. You’ll rust.
Peli Motto is just full of one-liners, it seems. This one is directed at The Mandalorian, who infamously never takes off his metal helmet. It was said by Peli Motto in Chapter 10.
There is only one way: the way of the Mandalore.
The Mandalorian affirms his commitment when speaking with Bo-Katan, also a Mandalorian, but one of a different tribe, the Nite Owls.
In this scene between The Mandalorian and Ahsoka Tano, we finally learn The Child’s name: Grogu, and his connection to Yoda.
The Mandalorian: Is he speaking? Do you understand him?
Chapter 13: The Jedi
Ahsoka Tano: In a way. Grogu and I can feel each other’s thoughts.
The Mandalorian: Grogu?
Ahsoka Tano: Yes, that’s his name.
The Mandalorian: Grogu.
Ahsoka Tano: He was raised at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Many Masters trained him over the years. At the end of the Clone Wars when the Empire rose to power, he was hidden. Someone took him from the Temple. Then his memories becomes… dark. He seemed lost. Alone. I’ve known one other being like this. A wise Jedi Master named Yoda.
Wherever I go, he goes.

Another famous line from the series comes from The Mandalorian himself, as said in Chapter 12: The Siege, referring to The Child.
His attachment to you makes him vulnerable to his fears. His anger.
Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi, explains to The Mandalorian why she will not train Grogu.
May the Force be with you.
In Chapter 13: The Jedi, Ahsoka Tano utters those famous words we’ve heard in many a Star Wars film and show.
In Chapter 16: The Rescue, Luke Skywalker also says this.
A Mandalorian and a Jedi? They’ll never see it coming.
Truer words couldn’t be spoken. The Mandalorians and Jedi historically do not get along – and that’s putting it mildly. No one would ever suspect the two to team up together.
He means more to me than you will ever know.
The Mandalorian uses Moff Gideon’s own words from Season 1 when trying to rescue Grogu from the evil Empire.
You have something I want. You may think you have some idea of what you’re in possession of, but you do not. Soon, he will be back with me. He means more to me than you will ever know.
The Mandalorian to Moff Gideon in Chapter 15: The Believer
You’re very special, kid. We’re gonna find that place you belong, and they’re gonna take real good care of you.

Does anyone else swoon when The Mandalorian and Grogu act like father and son, kind of like this scene? It’s just too cute!
I’ll see you again. I promise.
In a bittersweet scene in Chapter 16, the last episode of season 2, The Mandalorian assures Grogu that they will see each other again while trying to hand him off to Luke Skywalker.
Well, if that isn’t the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy.
I had to laugh when this came out of Boba Fett’s mouth. It reminds me of one of Princess Leia’s iconic insults, “scruffy looking nerf herder.”
The darksaber, it belongs to you.

Moff Gideon informs The Mandalorian that since he has defeated him, the darksaber is his.
But Mando doesn’t want it and tries to hand it off to Bo-Katan, who desperately wants it but won’t take it because she didn’t earn it.
More Mandalorian quotes from Season 2

Enjoy some more great one-liners and quotes from Season 2 of The Mandalorian.
Don’t be afraid. – Mando to Grogu
Long live the Empire. – Moff Gideon
Don’t play with your food. – Mando to the Child
Never thought you’d be happy to see stormtroopers. – Mayfeld
I hope someday our paths will cross again. – Cobb Vanth to Mando

You’re sparing my life? Well this should be interesting. – Moff Gideon to Mando
Until he has been returned to you safely, we are in your debt. – Boba Fett to Mando, regarding Grogu
If this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring. – Peli Motto, referring to the Child
Boba. I thought you were dead. I am so glad to see you. I had heard many rumors. – Bibb Fortuna to Boba Fett.
Wake me up if someone shoots at us or that door gets sucked off its rails. I’m kidding. If that happened, we’d be dead. – Mando to the Frog Lady
Quotes from The Mandalorian, Season 3

Season 3 of our favorite space cowboy adventure returned with new characters and stories.
Let’s see what everyone was up to this season with some of the best Mandalorian quotes from Season 3
You are no longer a Mandalorian.
In season 2, Mando was forced to remove his helmet in the presence of others when on a mission.
He confesses this to The Armorer when she asks and receives the news he already feared: he is no longer a Mandalorian.
The Armorer: You have removed your helmet. What’s worse, you did so of your own free will. You are no longer Mandalorian.
Chapter 17: The Apostate
The Mandalorian: The Creed teaches us of redemption.
The Armorer: Redemption is no longer possible since the destruction of our homeworld.
The Mandalorian: But what if the mines of Mandalore still exist?
When I returned without the Darksaber, my forces melted away.

The Mandalorian goes to visit Bo-Katan Kryze to tell her he wants to join her mission, as he intends to go to Mandalore to bathe in the Living Waters.
However, all he finds is Bo-Katan sulking on her throne, hopeless.
You were right. Mandalore is not cursed.
Mando reminds Bo-Katan that her theory that Mandalore was not poisonous was right.
But she’s not so sure about it not being cursed, given that it is beyond destruction.
There are more of here than I expected.

In Chapter 19: The Convert, Dr. Penn Pershing is taken in as a refugee at Coruscant, a New Republic planet, after he betrayed Moff Gideon.
Technically, he is in a parole program, which surprises him, as the Empire would not have been so kind to former enemies.
But perhaps it not as welcoming and accepting as he thinks.
He’s got this. Trust me.

In Chapter 20: The Foundling, Mando sets up a duel with another Mandalorian foundling. Others feel Grogu is far too young and inexperienced to be fighting – but Mando presses on.
We must walk the Way together. All Mandalorians.
In Chapter 21: The Pirate, The Armorer asks Bo-Katan to retrieve her former forces and unite the two groups so that they can rebuild Mandalore.
I return this blade to its rightful owner.

Mando gives the Darksaber to Bo-Katan in front of her former forces.
Although the blade cannot be simply given to someone, he explains that the blade had been taken from him when he was captured.
Since she fought his captors and won, the blade is therefore hers.
Grogu is too young to operate heavy machinery.
Greef Karga kept his promise to Mando that the Anzellans could rebuild IG-11 – and they did! Except, it’s IG-12, now.
After Greef Karga puts Grogu inside the pilot seat for IG-12, Mando is hesitant and worried for Grogu’s safety.
But Grogu immediately presses the “no” button, as to say that he is not too young!
This isn’t working for me.
Grogu takes IG-12 out for a spin on the town, immediately stealing snacks as soon as he sees some, testing Mando’s patience.
This is the way.

While this is said plenty throughout Season 3 (and those before it), it is Paz Vizsla’s last words as he fights off the Dark Troopers to save the rest of the Mandalorians.
What a heartbreaking hero’s end!
Grogu, I’m going to need you to be brave, okay?
In this scene, we finally see Grogu start to use the Force to fight back against Imperial forces.
Mando gives him a pep talk before they head out to find Moff Gideon.
Grogu, I’m going to need you to be brave for me, okay? We can’t keep running. If we don’t take out Moff Gideon, this will never end. You with me?
Chapter 24: The Return
Bo-Katan Kryze – what’s it going to be this time? Surrender or fight?
In Chapter 24: The Return, Moff Gideon teases Bo-Katan when she shows up to save Mando, alluding to the past when she surrendered to the Imperial forces.
You are now Din Grogu, Mandalorian apprentice.
In a heartwarming scene, Mando brings Grogu forth to The Armorer so that he may pledge as an apprentice.
But The Armorer declines because Grogu cannot speak and his parents cannot speak for him.
Therefore, Mando formally adopts Grogu as his son so that he may become a Mandalorian apprentice.
Let it be written in Song that Din Djarin is accepting this foundling as his son. You are now Din Grogu, Mandalorian apprentice.
The Armorer, Chapter 24: The Return
For Mandalore!
The Mandalorians have successfully taken back their planet from the Imperial forces.
Axe Woves starts this inspiring chant amongst the Mandalorians as Bo-Katan lights the Great Forge.
You had me at battle droids.
In this scene between Mando and Bo Katan, Mando proclaims “I’m in!” with this hilarious nod to a famous line from the 1996 film, Jerry Maguire, “You had me at hello.”
I guess weapons really are part of his religion!
More quotes from Season 3 of The Mandalorian

Enjoy a few more of the best quotes from season 3 of The Mandalorian.

You did good, Kid. – Mando to Grogu
Bad baby! No squeezie! – An Anzellan
Mandalorians are stronger together. – Bo-Katan
Enough Mandalorian blood has been spilled by our own hands. – Bo-Katan to Axe Woves
This was once a beautiful civilization. My family ruled it all. Now it’s a tomb. – Bo-Katan Kryze to Mando
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. – Grogu, using IG-12 as he breaks up a fight between Axe Wove and Paz Vizsla
Mandalore has always been too powerful for any enemy to defeat. It is always our own division that destroys us. – Bo-Katan

Thank you for gathering all the Mandalorians in one place. You were a talented people, but your time has passed. However, as you can see, Mandalore will live on in me. – Moff Gideon
What means more to me is honor. And loyalty. And character. These are the reasons I serve you, Lady Kryze. Your song is not yet written. I will serve you until it is. – Mando to Bo-Katan

I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors. That I shall walk the Way of the Mand’alor. And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart. This is the Way. – The Armorer & Ragnar Vizsla recite the Mandalorian Creed
Bo-Katan Kryze: I honestly think it’s adorable that you actually believe these children’s stories. But there is nothing magic about the waters.
Chapter 18: The Apostate
The Mandalorian: Without the Creed, what are we? What do we stand for? Our people are scatted like stars in the galaxy. The Creed is how we survived. You rescued me and I’ll always be in your debt. But I can’t go with you until I fulfill my obligation.

The Duchess: Could I perhaps hold the baby? Please?
Chapter 22: Guns for Hire
The Mandalorian: He doesn’t take kindly to strangers.
Grogu suddenly Jedi-leaps to the Duchess when she starts waving a fish.
My clones were finally going to be perfect. The best parts of me but improved by adding the one thing I never had. The Force. I was isolating the potential to wield the Force, and incorporating it into an unstoppable army. And you smothered them before they could draw their first breath. – Moff Gideon to Mando
The Darksaber is gone. You’ve lost everything. Mandalorians are weak once they lose their trinkets. – Moff Gideon to Bo-Katan after he destroys the Darksaber
Greef Karga: The people of Navarro appreciate all you’ve done, Mando. I want to give you this deed to a cabin just outside of town where you can lay low with your new family if you choose so. Between adventures.
Chapter 24: The Return
Mando: Thank you
Greef Karga: And that goes for you too, Din Grogu.
What are your favorite Mandalorian quotes?
Drop your favorite one-liners or scenes in the comments below. Now let’s get ready for another epic season!
Next up, check out these posts:
About the author

Meg Frost is the creator of The Park Pixie, where she covers Disney World, Disney+, and Disney fandom.
She holds an M.A. in Journalism from Northeastern University and B.S. in Communication & American Studies from University of Miami in Florida.
This post was originally published February 16, 2023. It was last updated April 19, 2023.
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